Things don't just happen by chance, they just don't. And if you guys think it does, it doesn't. It comes again in the mind. And when you put it out there and you live by faith. Having that faith as small as a mustard seed as I know, we've heard that so many times, that's the thing. I mean, even Jesus says, you know, he talked about this so many times about belief for anybody that puts their heart out, their God will reward a man according to what his deeds go after, according to his deeds deserve. But you have to do it through faith. The mindset of just knowing, you know what, I'm shaking in my boots, but I'm just going to take this leap, I'm just going to do it. That's the point. That's the crossroads life is doing. When I went to that event, a time I even shared that, I really mean it was hard for me to be safe and be who was on a cover and say, you know, in the section, start a road and these intersections happen. You have it was hard to watch.