October is national Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month, and in honor of so many women who have lost a child during pregnancy or in infancy, we wanted to share an open conversation about an important and, unfortunately, “taboo” topic. This is a topic that women need to continue to normalize being open about, because we are not grieving these losses alone💕 In this episode the Boss Ladies are joined by -Andrea Thayer- who shares her story, and offers hope and help for finding peace in life after loss.
Andrea shares what her life is like now, and how her loss has impacted her view on motherhood and relationships. Andrea is open about what gifts she has found through her suffering, how to handle triggers, and ways that friends and family can support their loved one suffering loss.
This is the kind of loss that no woman should have to suffer, but 1 in 4 of us do, and we don’t need to suffer alone! If you or someone you care about has lost a child to stillbirth, miscarriage, SIDS, or any other cause at any point during pregnancy or infancy, please join us in raising awareness this October.
We are so thankful to Andrea for being so open, and for extending such a big hand of love and support out to our community by sharing her story. We will continue the conversation and never let these sweet babies be forgotten. Andrea has invited anyone suffering this type of loss to reach out to her if you need support, or to talk it through. Please find ways to spread awareness and more ways to support bereaved parents below:

Star Legacy’s October #NeverBeStill campaign seeks to break the silence surrounding stillbirth and other pregnancy/infant losses by not only educating the public about ways to support bereaved families but also empowering expectant mothers to have a healthy pregnancy.

On October 15th, participate in the International Wave of Light by lighting a candle at 7 pm local time to honor all babies gone too soon. Keep your candle lit for at least one hour to create a continuous “wave of light” across all time zones covering the entire globe!

There are many ways to support the bereaved parents in your life/community, including: https://starlegacyfoundation.org/awareness-month/

🗣 Want to join the conversation? Follow along on social @bossladiesandbabies and join our private community on Facebook in our group Boss Ladies and Babies 💕www.bossladiesandbabies.com