⚠️ WARNING- Not another diet episode ⚠️
This time of year has most of us setting some unrealistic weight loss goals that will likely turn out to make us feel worse about ourselves. But, it is time to STOP doing this to ourselves...and that’s what this episode is all about! The Boss Ladies are joined by certified weight loss and life coach - Kwavi - to talk to us all about how much our mindset plays into our health and waistlines 🙌
This conversation has such an inspirational spin on your “diet” and what we can do to make a shift within our minds to start living healthier and happier. Kwavi says, “we all know what to do, it’s really just overcoming those obstacles”. What obstacles are holding you back? Fad diets? Not knowing the different types of eating or when/how to eat? Unhealthy habits around your relationship with food? We cover it all in this episode, and talk about the power of us to find the WHY! When you know the why, you can make powerful decisions around food and take back control👏 This episode will leave you feeling empowered and inspired to tackle your obstacles and health goals today!

Kwavi is offering a complimentary 20-minute coaching call when you mention this episode! Bring your questions and reasons why you believe you have been unable to lose weight.

[email protected]

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