Today we are joined by a brilliant and relatable nutritionist, Sophie of What's Good Nutrition.  She believes that the smallest things we do every day create our life and we have such power when it comes to the products and foods that we eat every day, to change things for the better. She’s fascinated with the human body and how food can influence it to the best or worst. But she’s also living the mom life and enjoys every minute of it. And today, we aren’t going to be chatting with her about nutrition (but make sure you check out her insta for tons of super helpful tips), we are going to be talking all about building her business as a mom, while her family and support system lives in another country, and how she makes it all work.

Key Point From This Episode:

-The impact of a long distance support system

-Tips for building a new local support system

-How to find balance when you’re raising babies and growing a business without family around

-Getting your mindset right for when things get hard

-How the food we put into our bodies affects our mindset and emotions

👉Connect With Sophie : @whatsgoodnutrition

Snag the free ebook with easy and healthy meal ideas & get 10% off any What's Good Nutrition online products with the code BOSSLADIES 

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👉 Are you a Boss Lady with a business? We want to support you! If you’re interested in us promoting your business on our show send us an email! This week’s Boss Lady Spotlight is Mama Bear Bookkeeper 🤩 Mama Bear Bookkeeper - Chante Bierman 360-633-4404 [email protected] (website under construction) As-needed bookkeeper exclusively for small businesses, entrepreneurs, & start ups. Also available for individuals and their personal finances.  In addition to bookkeeping, I also offer education services, budgeting, debt organization, monthly meetings, and tax prep+referrals.  Free 30 minute consultation for anyone mentioning this ad!