If you’ve been around the biz block you might be hearing people talking up email marketing...like a ton!
For the longest time I turned my nose up to email marketing thinking it was old, outdated, or just not “for me”... but the truth is, it’s the only thing that is really “for us”. I’m sure you all know this, but we don’t own our social media followers. Sure, it feels like the are “ours” because they choose to follow our pages, but the cold hard truth is that if social media goes away…. So would most of our businesses. And, another cold hard truth is…. You probably aren’t really “selling” as much on social as you think you are.
So, I decided to get over myself and make the leap into email marketing. Now, be forewarned, I am by no means an expert on this. In fact, I’m a complete newbie… and a lot of you may know this already… but for those who are thinking about dipping your toes in, I’m going to share some of the tips I’ve found so far. There will likely be a part two once I learn more!

📧 Find a platform and go all in
📧Make sure your emails are branded to you
📧Use you voice
📧Create a lead magnet
📧Create workflows and tags for people
📧Stay consistent, but don’t be annoying
📧Use your emails as a way to elaborate on your social content
📧Always add a CTA
📧Give them a reason to come back!