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Spring has sprung, and our homes aren’t the only places that need some tidying up this time of year!

End of Q1, longer days, sunshine and happiness… no better time than now to tidy up the biz!

The excitement for the new year is wearing off, and some of our ideas may have some cobwebs hanging around that could use some dusting, clutter may be piling up, and we might be feeling like we could use a little pep in our step!

Here are my favorite ways to clean up the ol’ biz this time of year:

Clean your digital space

Clean up your CRM

Update bios/website copy

Check/update your to-do list

Revisit your goals

Clean up the office

I’m all about a good spring clean, and these few steps will get your business squeaky clean and ready for anything!

Want a little more? Join the FREE Spring Clean Your Business Challenge to take your business from a digital disaster to so fresh and so clean!