Today we are going to talk about goals… THE thing everyone is focusing on this time of year. How are your goal for 2022 looking? Have you set them? Do you have a plan to make them happen? Are you feeling overwhelmed and behind? I wanted to take some time in this episode to share how I’m approaching my 2022 goals… in the most realistic way possible.
If you tuned in to the last episode, you heard the news that Boss Ladies and Babies is adding a new baby to the family! And as exciting as that is, it has also derailed a lot of my normal habits for this time of year. I’ve been so sick, fatigued, and unmotivated that setting goals has been at the very bottom of my to do list… which if you know me is NOT how I roll. But, whether its pregnancy, pandemic fatigue, home or career changes, or just plain life that is making goal setting challenging for you this year, you are not alone… and you are not behind!
And if you’ve already got your goals set and are on track to crush this year, this episode can still help you reevaluate the plans you’ve made as you move forward! Here is how I'm setting realistic goals for 2022:

Take your time
Make the big picture smaller
Make the smaller picture even smaller
Reflect on your why
Remember your goals aren’t in permanent marker
Have a plan
Make yourself and your family a priority
Happy planning! Let me know what tips you are most excited to try. Send me an email at [email protected] and until next time, stay bossy

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