We are shifting gears a little this week to talk about something that really does play a big part in our businesses, and sometimes we may not necessarily realize it. Mental health. Being an entrepreneur comes with all kinds of highs and some really low lows, and keeping our mental health in shape is really crucial for our success. Now, it is no secret that I’m an open book, and mental health is something I feel strongly about being open about. I suffer pretty bad anxiety, occasional depression, and have quite a few OCD tendencies. And there are times where my business directly impacts my mental health, and of course times that mental health impacts my business. So I want to share some ways that I manage my mental health to keep my mind and my business as strong as possible. I’m obviously not a dr, or even an expert on mental health, but this is what works for me!


Planning Your Schedule


Limiting Screen Time

Supportive Community


If you are struggling with your mental health, you are not alone! I'd love to support you! Send me an email at [email protected] 

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