Social media can start to feel overwhelming and cause stress and panic for even the most organized business owner. It seems like everyday something new comes up! A new app (hello clubhouse), a change to the algorithm, new features, and it’s hard to know how to keep up or what you should be doing! I’m here to remind you that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DO IT ALL… and the more you try to overextend yourself to “keep up” the harder it will be! So, take a step back. Remember, social media is meant to be social...and fun✨

Here are some tips on how to reel (pun intended) it back in!

🌈Don’t look at what everyone else is doing
🌈Spend time around your audience
🌈Quality over quantity
🌈Make time to engage
🌈Set boundaries

At the end of the day, social media is a really important part of our businesses, but it doesn’t have to consume all of our energy. Take some of the power aways from it and your control back by creating a clear strategy that works for you, and remember to have fun!