We’ve all been there… we are just living our lives, grinding away at our business and BAM! Something new and shiny comes along and we drop everything and go all in on it! (cough cough clubhouse, cough cough reels…) Maybe it’s an opportunity, maybe it’s a new app, maybe we see everyone else doing it, maybe even a new idea that we can’t seem to quiet. Whatever it is, it is something that totally derails our flow. This is called Shiny Object Syndrome. And according to Wikipedia, Shiny object syndrome is the situation where people focus all their attention on something that is current and trendy (aka shiny compared to everything else you’re doing), yet drop this as soon as something new (and shinier) comes along and takes its place… I feel attacked…
So how the heck do we fight this? And why does this happen to even the most focused of us? I have some thoughts…
You know that you have experienced the shiny object syndrome if you can relate to the following: You have a list of business ideas but nothing gets executed. You constantly start new goals but never see them through to the end. You jump from one course to another, drawn by the wild claims of each course… etc. etc. and the list freaking goes onnnnnnn. So, we know what it is, and we see ourselves fall victim... but how the heck can we fight this? I have some tips!

Get real with yourself
Set solid goals
Make a plan and stick to it
Create a later list
Find an accountability partner
Quiet the noise
Stop comparing
Remember your WHY
Stop fueling the FOMO
Don’t beat yourself up

Arm yourself with these tips, and you'll be less likely to be drawn to the shine. But, remember, it happens to the best of us, and it takes time and practice to resist. What has sparked your latest battle with shiny object syndrome? Let me know at [email protected]