We talk so much about knowing your audience, pinpointing your ICA, and being the go-to girl for your clients and their needs. But, there is a way to get a head start on knowing exactly what they need, and getting ahead by providing a solution before they even ask… it’s not magic… it’s Market Research!

Regular market research is going to help you stand out as the expert, and become/stay very relevant to your ICA’s needs. They might feel like you’re a mind-reader, but we know you’re just a smart and savvy boss lady out there doing the most!
So, how do you make sure you’re doing enough, and the right, research? Follow these tips to get started!

🗣 Don’t be afraid to ask!
If you don’t ask, you’ll never know! Have an idea but not sure it will land? Need to make sure a price point sounds right for your demographic? Have a lot of ideas, but not sure where to start or what will bring the most value? Just. Ask.

🗣 Make sure you’re asking the right people!
Market research is pointless if it isn’t directly pulled from YOUR market.

🗣 Put yourself out there!
Your audience might not know what questions they have until they have the opportunity to ask them.

🗣 Always be searching!
Market research doesn’t have to just be a formal Q&A or poll.

🗣 Be open to evolving!
You may find that your ICA’s needs evolve over time, which is why keeping up to date on your market research is crucial...but so is the willingness to evolve with them.
Listen, grow, and step into being the expert! Your clients will thank you for meeting their needs and truly listening, and your business will continue to flourish!