Have you realized that you’re a genius? Really… you are THE EXPERT in something special, and people are waiting to learn from you… whether you have tapped into it yet or not!
There is something really special that happens when you discover your zone of genius, cut through the crap, and start doing what you actually enjoy doing...and what you’re the best at!

Whether you’re drowning in your business with feelings of the need to do it all, or just haven’t found your thang yet, it’s time to discover your zone of genius and get to work!

📝 Grab a pen and paper and list out all of the pieces that go into your business. Really break down each task and moving part that you’re doing on a daily. Choose what are you favorite and what you’re best at.

📝 Next, ask yourself probing questions to discover some of your passions… and be honest!

📝 Now, take all of your favorite things from the two lists, and merge them into their own list. This is your gold mine, this is where you get to decide where your zone of genius lies, and what you enjoy doing the most.

📝 Now that you’re clear on your zone of genius is and what lights you up, let’s talk about how you run with this! And what you do with all of the other tasks that aren’t in your zone of genius!

✨ Craft your schedule around focusing on what you’re best at!

✨ Share your zone of genius often! Make sure that everyone knows that you are the go-to girl, and show them what you have to offer.

✨ Continue to grow your knowledge around what you love.