Ah, the art of a personal brand!

Making the decision to build your business around who you are, and leveraging the personal and emotional side of business.

I think you all know me by now, and you may be sick of me talking about the brand YOU…. but this is really what it’s all about! Being WHO you are! Because guess what? You already have a personal brand, whether you know it or not, so you might as well be intentional with how you work it! Here are a few of my favorite tips on how to take your personal brand and create the YOU we have all been waiting for!

Be kind to yourself

Take care of YOU so you can take care of your brand

Be a human

Incorporate the things you like into your business

Own your stuff

I could go on all day, but I will leave you with these to get started. There are studies on studies that show that being a human being and showcasing your personal brand will bring you more success! People will choose the person they know, like, and trust, and have things in common with over someone they don’t… even if the name is bigger… even if the prices are better… So, tell me… what does your personal brand say about you? Is it showing who you are? Are you showing up intentionally?... or just letting it happen!

Business BLAB is brought to you by Megan @itsmegangillespie

For more business tips and tricks, follow Megan on IG and join the email list! Let's get bossy!