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Ok boss ladies, I wanted to take some time this week to address the buzz around the word “balance”. I use this word A LOT… in my content, in my programs, and even the book we are writing that has a major focus on creating balance around work and parenthood. This word is quickly becoming a no-no and it’s time that we get clear on what this word really means… because we really do want and need balance in our lives… it just may not be what we think it is! I feel like we are seeing this word all over the place, and it shouldn't have to be a thing that causes us to cringe. We have the power to take control of this word and create the kind of “balance” that really works for our life! So, let’s get clear on how we can strive towards finding our unique balance and truly relax into our lives!
👍Ditch the shoulds
👍Take a look at your life now
👍Set priorities and boundaries
👍Be flexible

So there you have! I challenge you to take on some of these tips and starting taking control of what balance means in your life. We all want balance, but it’s up to us to decide what that actually means to us. It doesn't have to be a bad word, because when you find your unique balance, life can be really beautiful.

I want to hear from you! Do you feel like you have balance in your life? What does the word balance mean to you? Send me an email at [email protected] and let me know!