This week on BoredWrestlingFan, the guys respond to complaints that they don’t talk enough about wrestling by playing a rap song and a Japanese prog rock song, both by Hulk Hogan.   Ask and ye shall receive.  We talk about Extreme Rules and RAW and the tiniest details of Lucha Underground for a bit. In […]

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This week on BoredWrestlingFan, the guys respond to complaints that they don’t talk enough about wrestling by playing a rap song and a Japanese prog rock song, both by Hulk Hogan.   Ask and ye shall receive.  We talk about Extreme Rules and RAW and the tiniest details of Lucha Underground for a bit.

In the news, Xavier Woods makes it on to a gaming site, not for his video game videos on YouTube, but for hitting Aiden English with a Hadoken at Extreme Rules.  Cody Rhodes has angered the Sports Entertainment Gods, but that’s ok, because he wants to be a pro wrestler instead.  Adam Rose has been released, and he cut his hair shortly after, because that’s news.  SmackDown will be moving to Tuesday nights, which is probably bad for TNA.  The new night will also see the return of the brand split, with SmackDown having a unique roster from RAW, with a Draft and more details to come in the weeks ahead.  Rumors continue to run rampant of a Women’s Money In The Bank Ladder Match to take place at the Pay Per View in June.  Dixie Carter avoids questions about TNA’s financial state, Jim Ross kicks cancer’s ass, Kane may run for Mayor of Knoxville, and much, much more.  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 230 (MP3, 1:42:23)[/podacst]

This week’s break song is “Pigeon Camera” by The Tragically Hip.  Buy it here!

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