This week on BoredWrestlingFan Radio, the guys talk about what Valentine’s Day means to them.  Which amounts to pretty much nothing, as the discussion devolves into the way to properly cook (among other things) a steak for Steak and a BJ Day next month. In the news, Daniel Bryan retires from professional wrestling.  Titus O’Neil […]

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This week on BoredWrestlingFan Radio, the guys talk about what Valentine’s Day means to them.  Which amounts to pretty much nothing, as the discussion devolves into the way to properly cook (among other things) a steak for Steak and a BJ Day next month.

In the news, Daniel Bryan retires from professional wrestling.  Titus O’Neil gets suspended for 90 – no – 60 days because being chivalrous is misconstrued as horsing around in WWE’s eyes, apparently.  We get news on the contract status of a couple of AAA in Mexico.  We get an update on the condition of Bret “Hitman” Hart.  David Otunga hangs with Kanye West, Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan don’t.  All this, our Total Divas synopsis, and much, much more.  Tune in!

BoredWrestlingFan Radio Episode 215 (MP3, 1:40:56)

This week’s break song was “Knocking On Wood” by Spose.  Buy it here!

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