“Slums are always a marvel; how human desperation can seem to warp the very laws of physics.” 
― Sam J. Miller, Blackfish City

In a super-dense metropolis the dutiful locksmith opens a door that should remain closed.

Lovecraftesque is available at Black Armada games, online game retailers and your friendly local game store. Learn more at our primer.

The Setup:

•heroic horror

•Near Future Urban Environment

•Main location: A "Walled City" called Warren Station

•Additional Locations: an Abandoned Blood Bank/Clinic, "Wherehouse" a Mega-Club, and "Street Level" a series of subterranean nutrient farms.

•The Witness: Beat Theremin - A locksmith, they are assigned to maintaining Warren Station. They have deep family obligations and a large extended family all housed in the Warren. After some youthful indiscretion Beat has become very by-the-book in their work. 

The Clues:

•A spiked high heel that is dissolving in a green slime

•An antique door knob and lock in the shape of a fish head.

•A pipe grate that has been 'graffitied' to look like a fish's maw

•A giant pile of orange spoor or eggs

•An ancient tome "Moby Dick"

•An etching that altered itself.

•A repeating "Hello, Beat" phrase

•A mushroom covered DJ

Find James Mendez Hodes on twitter @LulaVampiro, and check out his website jamesmendezhodes.com and on mastodon @lula. Find his recently successful Kickstarter for Thousand Arrows here.

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme song is by the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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