Previous Episode: Ep143: Fluidity, pt1

“Carnal embrace is the practice of throwing one's arms around a side of beef.”
― Tom Stoppard, Arcadia

The beast lopes across the face of a barren world. An entire civilization festers beneath its skin.

To learn more about how Downfall is played check out our primer episode.

The Haven: 

The Glorge is a gargantuan creature of flesh that lumbers blindly, on multiple limbs, across the face of the world. In the dripping moist layer, between the thick folds of its skin and its oily pulsing muscle and flesh, an entire society has formed.

The Traditions:

Birth: Everyone in the haven can carry offspring and become pregnant. It is a little strange to not be pregnant. The spheres in their bodies of developing children are mirrored in the symbol of the cornucopia spilling grapes and fruits that is ever present in the iconography of the culture.

Communication: The common greeting is to make out with the person you're greeting. In this ritual you also exchange a metallic lozenge with a name etched on it. These are referred to as candies.

Justice: Secrets are the currency of the society. An entire 'secret' police force and the encouragement of gossip makes information a commodity and a liability. This behavior is encouraged by the allocation of sweet vat-grown tongue meat.

Death: A death that explores the heights of delicious pain and pleasure is a good death. There is an oil derived from growths plucked deep from the Glorge that offers altered and heightened perception and is used exclusively for death seeking.

Entertainment: The coming-of-age ceremony begins when the brood of children reaches the age of consent and partakes in a race into the depths of the Glorge to retrieve the largest cysts. The victor is named Master of Flesh and the others who survive the ordeal are granted a name etched metal 'candy' lozenge.

Relationships: It is forbidden to make emotional connections to others. People play games where they toy with others to make them have an emotional attachment. The only way to ceremonially purge this is to grow a vestigial heart and present it to the object of affection.

The Characters:

The Hero: Sheer, a Feel Agent for the secret police, has heightened senses in their tongue. They are a bit different in the society in that they have empathy that draws them towards reciprocation instead of playing games with other people's emotions.

The Fallen:  Master of Tongues, the leader of the secret police, seeks to maintain their control on the society.

The Pillar: Bloom, a peer from the same trial as the hero, works in the processing of the psychotropic Oil Macabre.

Find D on twitter @mxnurd

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme comes from the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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