"Neither the sun nor death can be looked at with a steady eye."
- Francois de La Rochefoucauld

The nuclear furnace that baths us with live giving rays has belched out a wave of death. A crew of three are all that stand in between Earth and certain destruction.

To learn more about how Our Last Best Hope is played check out our primer episode.

The Characters:

Dr. Childers Cube (John Holt) the radiation sickness expert Doctor.

Dr. Franklin Cortez (Chris Diercksen) brilliant engineer and conceptual designer of the Allen.

Lt. Cmdr. Red Roberts (Ken Breese) experimental space pilot and veteran of clandestine space wars.

The Mission:

The Crisis - A solar flare is racing towards Earth and will shear away the atmosphere.

The Limit - An experimental solar sail ship is the only vehicle that could be capable of reflecting the brunt of the wave.

The Plan - Get in the path of the wave with enough distance from the Earth to safely deflect the flare for its duration.

The Assets:

Repair Drones

Turbo Octo Boosters

Metallic Fabric Foil

Find Chris on twitter @c_diercks and check out his theatrical group Team Awesome Robot.

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme comes from the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!


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