“. . . Kings, aristocrats, tyrants, whoever they be, are slaves rebelling against the sovereign of the earth, which is the human race, and against the legislator of the universe, which is nature.
― Maximilien RobespierreRobespierre


Killer trees in the age of reason and the reign of terror.

To learn more about how Follow is played check out our primer episode.

The Setting:

The 18th century France in the summer, the flames of revolution sweep the country.


The Killer:

Animated plants, possibly brought to life by an archaeological artifact.

The Characters:

Fromage the hyperactive executioner.

Ovaltine the flirtatious grandmother.

Boothe Van Smeen the tireless gamesman.

Rosalie the haughty milkmaid.

Flemme De'Brooks the half-witted revolutionary.

Morgan the avant-garde revolutionary.

Madamoiselle Satine the saucy maid.

Joulie Moirot the inquisitive youth.

Lil' Jaque the criminal mastermind.

Madame Coraline the true believing astrologer.

Monsieur Fleur the meticulous head of house.

Alain the constipated general.

Find Lucian Kahn on twitter @oh_theogony and find his game Dead Friend for purchase on DriveThruRPG.

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme song is by the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!


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