Previous Episode: Ep113: Terminal Interment, pt1
Next Episode: Ep115: Force Kale, pt1

“I have come here from my city,
I have descended from my nome;
I have built a house, set up (its) doors,
I have dug a pool, planted sycamores.
The king praised me,
My father made a will for me.
I was one worthy ---
One beloved of his father,
Praised by his mother,
Whom all his brothers loved.
I gave bread to the hungry,
Clothing to the naked,
I brought the boatless to land.
O you who live upon earth,
Who shall pass by this tomb
Going north or going south,
Who shall say: "a thousand loaves and beer jugs
For the owner of this tomb,"
I shall watch over them in the necropolis. 
I am an excellent equipped spirit (akh),
A lector-priest who knows his speech.
As for any man who enters this tomb unclean,
I shall seize him by the neck like a bird,
He will be judged for it by the great god!
I was one who spoke fairly, who repeated what was liked,
I never spoke evilly against any man to his superior,
Never did I judge between two [contenders]
In a manner which deprived a son of his father's legacy.
― Miriam LichtheimAncient Egyptian Literature: Volume I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms

 A sealed inter-dimensional way-station has become nothing more than a tomb.

To learn more about how The Skeletons is played check out our primer episode.

The Tomb:

A Winding affair beneath the surface of a vast desert. The only visible surface element is a massive black cube. In the heart of the tomb is a sphere of glossy black rock, hovering and rotating slightly in place.

The Characters:

Arrow-Shield (Ken Breese) - The warrior who still stands guard.

Headless (Kelsey Dionne) - The religious leader of a cult forgotten.

Tattered Cloak (John Holt) - An acolyte of the keepers of this place.

Find Kelsey Dionne on her adventure website The Arcane Library and on Facebook.

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme song is by the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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