Worker #1: But where is our mediator, Maria - ?
Maria: Wait for him! He will surely come!
Worker #2: We will wait, Maria...! But not much longer - - !"
- Metropolis (1927)

The platform of a space elevator houses the electronic brains that control the drones on the planet below. They are tasked with cleaning up the Earth for the eventual return of the humans.

To learn more about how Dialect is played check out our primer episode.

The characters for this game:

HLN 3618N2-4 "Helen" (Iris Explosion) - The very proper administrator.

PCO-800 "Seev" (Patrick Cartelli) - The supply and aquisitions unit.

Atmospheric Oversight 35,73.11.B "Atmos" (Kelsey Hercs) - The air cleaning unit with a strong sense of purpose.

LSM-748 "Fleshwise" (Ken Breese) - Genetics and organics unit in charge of repopulating the fauna.

B33DL3 (John Holt) - The excavation and reclamation of subsurface ecology.

The Setup:

Backdrop: The Earth has been left uninhabitable and the humans left, leaving a team of robots to rejuvenate the planet and await the return of the humans.

Main Location: Laika Station, a platform at the top of a Space Elevator. It is rooted in continental Asia.

Doubt: WILL they/SHOULD they come back? (the humans)
Task: Reverse Catastrophic Climate Change
Creation: Art from (attempted?) Reproduction

The Language:
Completion - The return of the humans
Post-Completion - A time after the humans return
Plete - An expletive, a blaspheme against the sacred eventual end
PreZero - A theoretical time before the task began
Standby - A term used to buy time while gathering thoughts before speaking, before continuing to speak
Rubrik - The guiding principles of our combined programming (Over-Prime)
Over-Prime - The combined goal of the tasks we are programmed to complete
Prime - The task we are programmed to perform
Variable Prime - An alternative task, The theory that a root task can shift based on interpretation of programming
"THE PRIME IS OURS" - An declaration of ownership over ones self and identification as one of the group
Indo - A vice where in you deliberately neglect maintenance so that repair requires extra effort. 
Sleep - A state of profound sadness, either born out of inactivity or leading to lethargy and inactivity
EOM - An honorific, denoting that you have performed the most efficiently over the last Lunar cycle
ATMOSEOM - A term for those that lord their efficiency over their peers
Motaxu - The offspring of the drones and minds, constructed from organic and inorganic parts, sentient and outside the hive mind
Mollies - A derogatory & dismissive term for the Motaxu
Molly Maker - An insulting term for a member of the hive mind who creates and encourages the Motaxu
Augmentation - Ritualistic offerings to the hive mind by the Motaxu
The Disconnected - Anything outside the focus of the Rubrik, impossible to control or interface with, the unknown
The Variable - A thing from outside Earth, not covered under programming or instruction, a complication
VEOM - A religion of the Motaxu based on worship of the Variable
Elysium - A satellite of decrepit hive minds

Go check out Kelsey's play "Can't You Tell"  encore showing on July 7th, 2018. We'll update our social media when we have a specific link and you can follow her directly for updates!

Find Kelsey on twitter @zforzelma & instagram @zforzelman and her website kelseyhercs.com

Find Iris Explosion on twitter @IrisExplosion & instagram @1risexplosion and her website irisexplosion.com

Iris will be with d20 Burlesque at GenCon 2018 this year!

Find Patrick on twitter @patcartelli and check out his podcast Repeater

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme song is by the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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