Previous Episode: Ep102: Baby-Sitters Cult, pt2
Next Episode: Ep104: Fiat Pax, pt2

“The world of the future will be an even more demanding struggle against the limitations of our intelligence, not a comfortable hammock in which we can lie down to be waited upon by our robot slaves.”
― Norbert WienerThe Human Use Of Human Beings: Cybernetics And Society

In a world of global peace, that has forgotten the machines of war, the harmony is broken with the incursion of autonomous killing machines, vestiges of a lost age.

To learn more about how Our Last Best Hope is played check out our primer episode.

The Characters:

Sofia Morales (D Gailey) the tech obsessed Engineer.

Professor Cyndy Diamont (John Holt) anthropological computer scientist.

Brouge Craklin P.H.D.  (Ken Breese) military historian.

The Mission:

The Crises - A doomsday weapon from a bygone age has awakened in the frozen north.

The Limit - Time has forgotten the weapons of the past but the historians and hobbyists remember.

The Plan - Get to the "brain" and reprogram the mechs to blast themselves into the sun.

The Assets:

Employee Manual for Site X

3d Topographical heat map of the doomsday compound

A six-shooter pistol borrowed from a museum

Find D on twitter @mxnurd

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme comes from the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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