Previous Episode: Ep031: Repels Dust, pt1

“Nice valley. Think I'll keep it.”
―Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind (1984)

In our second episode the characters play out the scenes as the world falls apart no matter how hard the hero tries to stop it,

To learn more about how Downfall is played check out our primer episode.

The world of this game:

World Name: Many Goodly Things

Flaw: Materialism

Elements: Echo, Dust, Magnets


Architecture - The moving society is built on a series of magnetic flotillas of various sizes. The design aesthetics mirror the philosophies of the various clans that inhabit the structures.

Justice - The guilty are banished to the winds, stripped of magnet and clan. They are allowed to keep their birthstones.

Military - Clan leaders all answer The Lord of Many Goodly Things. Agents of the Lord wear a badge made of family cups beat into the shape of an inverted horseshoe magnet w/ a sword and oar crossed behind it.

Entertainment - Skiff Racers compete for status and resources for their clans. They ride on finicky hover sleds through the whipping dusts.

Birth - Clan lines are very important. Cross-clan marriage is common, but the clanner marrying in from another clan is stigmatized. Clan stones are kept even when marrying into a new clan.

Grief - No one grieves the cavern folk. Clanners who abandon their clan and society remove all their stones and their names are struck from the family naming chalices.

The characters for this game:

The Hero Racine Quartz-Angle

A wirey woman with long dirty blonde hair that she hides beneath her racing helmet. Her striking clear eyes are coveted trait in her Clan. She wears a racing jumpsuit embedded with magnets.

The Fallen is Sir Will

A soldier in the employ of the Lord of Many Goodly Things. He has become Racine's lover in the course of investigating her family since her brother went cavern folk.

The Pillar is Screed Sulfur Blast

A Sulfur clanner who married into the Quartz clan. He was a skiff racer until he pushed himself too hard and gained some permanent injuries that grounded him. He is now a clan Skiff Racing coach for Racine.

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme song is by the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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