“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear.”
H.P. Lovecraft

In a small New England town the outside pressures of the Great Depression are barely felt. It is the darkness within the sleepy old town that threatens all hope.

To learn more about how Fiasco is played check out our primer episode.

The characters for this game:

Roger Morris (Stacey) - Former University Law Student, now and FBI Agent

Prof. Von Thornton (Ken) - The University Law professor and dabbler in arcane knowledge.

Skippy Von Trapp (Steve) - Ancient Languages graduate student and aspiring cultist.

Judge Argus Wroth  (John) - Town Judge and high-ranking cultist.

The grid for this game:

Between John & Ken: Keepers of a shared secret (of the past?)

Between Ken & Stacey: Part of the Law community

Between Stacey & Steve: Con man and Mark (undercover agent and unwitting junior cultist)

Between Steve & John: Young Upstart and Old Guard cultists.

There are two NEED elements:
- The Need to Get to the Truth About the Secret Ingredient in Madeleine's Pies
- The Need to Get Respect from the Cult by Taking Over

There is a LOCATION element:
- The University Research Lab

There is one OBJECT element:
- A single word on a scrap of paper

We've also added a TILT:

Failure: A Tiny Mistake Leads to ruins & Guilt: Greed Leads to Killing

Find John on twitter @LordJoho

Find Ken on twitter @Berlingsbeard

Find Stacey on instragram @stadomo

Find Steve on his website stephenmoverley.com

Follow us on twitter @boredghostworld

Our Bored Ghost theme song is by the amazing Pat Cupples, see his band website Hotels and Highways.

Bored Ghosts we hope you found some distraction from your eternity in the void this week!

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