HAPPY SATURDAY! Send all the love to my girl Brandi, the audio isn't great for this episode but trust me it only goes up from here!
STICKERS ALERT! Don't miss out, buy yours today, visit etsy.com/shop/aanddcreates to buy yours today! Follow them on Facebook & Instagram too at A and D creates! PLEASE PLEASE GO LOOK AT HER SHOP!!!

Pour yourself some wine, a cocktail,  or water, and buckle up with this awesome episode with Brandi! REMEBER YOU ARE POWERFUL AND ARE THE MOST POWERFUL BEING IN YOUR WHOLE WIDE UNIVERSE! NO ONE ELSE'S!

Like, Follow, and subscribe!

Don't miss out on an episode! Follow me on Patron at patreon.com/boozylove  join our Facebook page at Boozy Love Podcast and follow me on Instagram at Stephanie.Isabell to keep up to date with my erratic schedule!  JOIN THE SUBREDDIT TODAY and share your stories to be read on the podcast anonymously! https://www.reddit.com/r/BoozyLovePodcast/new/

Stephanie.isabell on Instagram
Stephanie Huizar on Facebook
Please join our Facebook Group to apply for Brandi's bachelorette inquiry! The Facebook group is Boozy Love Listeners and the password is Prosecco and you need to accept all the community guidelines to be accepted into the group!
You can find Brandi at Smiley Bee Love Chicago Childbirth Doula on Facebook, Smileybee_love on Instagram, and check out her website smileybeelove.com!
Also, look out to subscribe to her YouTube at Smileybee Love! 

Some of the places you can send your support and donations for not only black history month but also just to help fight the fight against birth injustices and support girls in STEM programs check out these organizations below! 

Black Girls Code: https://www.blackgirlscode.com/what-we-do.html

Chicago Volunteer Doulas: https://www.chicagovolunteerdoulas.org

Doula Foundation: https://doulafoundation.org/get-involved/

The Doula Project: http://www.doulaproject.org/p/support-us.html

National Black Doulas Association: https://www.blackdoulas.org

and any others that Brandi mentions during the podcast! Thank you so much for tuning in! 

Please let me know what else you would like to hear! Don't forget to subscribe and give this podcast 5 stars!

If you are ever in need of a doula consultation or overall information on how to find doulas in your area that might share the same or differing views as I or you please reach out!

Support the Show.