Back in 2011, Rob learned about the destructive nature of capitalism, Joe developed a drinking problem, and Dee Reynolds cheated on her taxes. Adele was everywhere and so was that happy-go-lucky song about a school shooting. Plus: it's impossible to express why It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is uniquely good. The words just don't exist, at least not for a couple of dumb dumbs like Joe and Rob.

At low-effort content—where okay is okay—family and friends hang out, make stuff, and share it with you to celebrate curiosity and creativity in all kinds of ways. We’d love to hear from you. And you can hit our merch page to get things and support us. 

Here are some of the shows you can listen to from low-effort content.

Make Mine a Double Feature, where we have a few drinks and tell each other movie stories in all kinds of ways—like backwards or in the form of letters or from the POV of a side character.

Kid. Dad. Songs. Yeah!, where my son and I talk about music, often by picking winners in a bracket.

Trivial Television, where we recap TV episodes while sprinkling in facts, fictions, and trivia questions.

Booyah 90s Now, where we break down what it’s been like to live under the influence of 90s media.

Trading Up!, where Rob loses a bunch of money trying to become a good stock trader.

Thanks for hanging out. Thanks for listening to this.

Take care.