Previous Episode: Never Fast Enough
Next Episode: Bugs vs. Customers

Brian and Jordan are back with big news about both of their newest projects. Today they’re doing a deep dive into some of the mental struggles when you start something new. Some touchy-feely topics, some logistics, and back to touchy-feely topics: a typical Bootstrapped Web episode. If you have any questions, comments, or topic ideas … Continue reading Staying positive

Brian and Jordan are back with big news about both of their newest projects. Today they’re doing a deep dive into some of the mental struggles when you start something new. Some touchy-feely topics, some logistics, and back to touchy-feely topics: a typical Bootstrapped Web episode. If you have any questions, comments, or topic ideas for Bootstrapped Web, leave a message for Brian and Jordan on their ZipMessage account at

“We need to complement each other more. Because everyone asks for feedback, nobody asks for compliments.” – Jordan Powered By the Tweet This PluginTweet This

Here are today’s conversation points:

Updates on Jordan’s secret productFeeling down and (surprising) external motivatorsWhat founders do and the meaning of being a founderThe importance of compliments and empathyUpdates, changes, and uses for ZipMessageFramework and patterns in successful niche SaaS productsThree-phase process: enter, lean-in, all-in

“For founders, literally all we do is solve problems. What’s the next problem to solve? What’s the next thing that’s not working? Every single day.” – Brian Powered By the Tweet This PluginTweet This





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