“There are too many physician coaches!”, a student recently lamented to me. 

It may seem that way, but there are not many who have gotten to the point of a sustainable, long standing business. 

If you don’t want that to happen to you and want to turn your online business to a consistent revenue generator, you need to have the knowledge to create a highly converting lead magnet that converts visitors into clients. 

On this special episode,  I share with you the same tactics that helped our companies generate over 700,000 leads in 11 different markets.  This is one episode you will want to reference again and again!


51 Headline Formulas To Skyrocket Conversions (And Where To Use Them)



The #1 Doctor Directory for Physician Coaches, Consultants, and Mentors



Now an Amazon Best Seller!  The Positioned Physician:  Earn More, Work Smart, and Love Medicine Again, 2nd Edition: Updated with over 50 pages of new content including  new chapters on goal setting, mindset, and sales strategies for a successful online business!
