Jason Marchant won’t tell you to not get a degree, but he will tell you don’t let not having one prevent you from applying for a job.
That’s how he did it. And in a couple years, he went from a veteran in transition, and wondering what he’d do with his life, to having a career in sales and business card with the title of “president” of a franchise.
Today he leads a sales team for a company called Fine Tune. When he hires, he doesn’t require a college degree. Instead, he looks for people willing to put in the effort, and he’ll train them on the skills needed.
Jason is a former Marine that later served in the Army Reserve and deployed to Afganistan (there’s a lot of former Marines in the Army Guard and Reserve). On this episode, he shares how he wound up with a career in sales.
Show links:
* Connect with Jason on LinkedIn (
* Jason’s employer Fine Tune (
* Sales books Jason recommends for professional development:
1) Fanatical Prospecting ( by Jeb Blount
2) The Ultimate Sales Machine ( by Chet Holmes
3) The Slight Edge ( by Jeff Olson _

Jason Marchant won’t tell you to not get a degree, but he will tell you don’t let not having one prevent you from applying for a job.

That’s how he did it. And in a couple years, he went from a veteran in transition, and wondering what he’d do with his life, to having a career in sales and business card with the title of “president” of a franchise.

Today he leads a sales team for a company called Fine Tune. When he hires, he doesn’t require a college degree. Instead, he looks for people willing to put in the effort, and he’ll train them on the skills needed.

Jason is a former Marine that later served in the Army Reserve and deployed to Afganistan (there’s a lot of former Marines in the Army Guard and Reserve). On this episode, he shares how he wound up with a career in sales.

Show links:

Connect with Jason on LinkedIn
Jason’s employer Fine Tune
Sales books Jason recommends for professional development:

1) Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount

2) The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes

3) The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson _