He was certain he’d drafted for Vietnam in the next 90 days. Rather than wait for the notification, he decided to shape his destiny and volunteered to join the Army. That was many years ago, but today, Bill Williams helps veterans shape their destiny when they decide to leave the service and transition back to civilian life. He runs a small company that helps "corporate refugees" and veterans, especially retiring military, move into franchise ownership. He calls franchises, “entrepreneurship with training wheels.”
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Bill’s business: Axxiom Franchise Advisors (
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He was certain he’d drafted for Vietnam in the next 90 days. Rather than wait for the notification, he decided to shape his destiny and volunteered to join the Army. That was many years ago, but today, Bill Williams helps veterans shape their destiny when they decide to leave the service and transition back to civilian life. He runs a small company that helps "corporate refugees" and veterans, especially retiring military, move into franchise ownership. He calls franchises, “entrepreneurship with training wheels.”

See the show notes online at


Bill’s business: Axxiom Franchise Advisors
Find Bill on LinkedIn