Welcome to FitPros Guide to Growing Their Fitness Business Podcast!

In this episode of the FitPros Guide to Growing Their Fitness Business Podcast, Jono Petrohilos interviews Melani De Sousa about "2019 Australian Personal Trainer of the Year".

Having suffered mental illness and Binge Eating Disorder/Bulimia from a young age, Melani left her corporate career in 2014 to help others struggling with similar issues who are fed up with the lack of support for recovery available in today’s society. As a qualified Wellness & Intuitive Eating Coach, she works with a range of clients from all walks of life to overcome chronic dieting, body-image issues, food addictions and disordered eating. In addition to this, she will empower and equip you with the skills and strategies required to navigate personal and professional barriers to long-term success and happiness.

Follow Melanie
Facebook: facebook.com/thewellnessworkshop.com.au/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thewellnessworkshopaus/
Website: https://www.thewellnessworkshop.com.au/


Note: Podcast episodes are hosted by either Jono Petrohilos, Travis Mattern or Claudia Li

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Periodisation for Periods: How to train women around their monthly cycle

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