Today’s show features a focus on running form with special guest David Jacquier of Joint Dynamics.  If you are interested in any aspect of running from preventing injury, to being faster and more efficient, this show is for you!  Get your notepads ready because David shares a ton of super […]

Today’s show features a focus on running form with special guest David Jacquier of Joint Dynamics.  If you are interested in any aspect of running from preventing injury, to being faster and more efficient, this show is for you!  Get your notepads ready because David shares a ton of super helpful information.  I can honestly say I think about running completely different now after talking with him and he has actually made running fun for me again.  We cover gait analysis, shoes, injuries, mobility, strength training, cadence, the thoracic spine, if foot strike is important, common mistakes many runners make, running music, easy running cues for your head, shoulders, arms, hands, torso, hips, knees, legs, feet, and lots more!

If you learn one thing from this show it is that you shouldn’t try to change your run form with a 2 minute YouTube video on foot striking.  There is some serious science to running properly.  David has me excited about running for the first time in a long time!  I hope you enjoy this episode and it helps you be a better runner.

Resources discussed in this episode:

Joint Dynamics

Gray Institute

Ready to Run Book by Dr. Starrett

BOOST Health Patreon Page

Extra BOOST Strength Training Guide

Studies discussed in this episode:

A meta-analysis on the UpToDate website noted that nearly half of runners in the US are injured at some point and that the knee is the most injured area.  

A 2018 study in the American Journal of Sports Medicine followed 300 male and female runners for two years. They found that 73 percent of women and 62 percent of men were injured during the period and 56 percent were injured more than once.

A sports medicine expert named Dr. Jordan Metzl was interviewed on the Runners World site and he noted that repeat injuries are a huge problem for runners and that the biggest cause of running injuries is not doing enough strength work.

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