Break out the holy water and polish your crucifix, 'cause this week the gals are traveling south, like pretty far south, like super far south into the bowels of hell itself for this week's episode, Demons! Vanessa gets possessed first by the demon Ba'al Berith (he's Barry), Satan's notary and a fairly informative guy when it comes to exorcisms of 15th century French nuns, paired with Brasserie La Choulette's La Choulette Framboise. Then Melissa's head goes for a 360 spin with her new buddy, Beelzabub (Chadabub to his frat bros, he's different), an all around jerkface who loves witch-y aunts and incest-y fathers, paired with The Lost Abbey's Citrus Sin Wild Ale. Who will win in the battle the devil's secretary of VS the prince of hell? Listen and find out!