Previous Episode: BnBDnD - EPISODE 06
Next Episode: BnB DnD - EPISODE 07

Foam that milk up real good and grab the table in the corner with an open outlet, ‘cause this week the BnB crew are getting drunk and caffeinated with Haunted Coffee Shops! Vanessa orders first with the tale of the Stockyard Steakhouse (and former coffee counter... don’t come at me, I do what I want!) where a Lady in Red is pissed about your level of cleanliness. Then Melissa gets an extra shot with the story of The Rimsky Korsakoffee House where the mermaids have boob hands and the ghosts throw tantrums. Our beer this week is Holla’gram Coffee Stout from Fonta Flora Brewery. Who will win the battle of a businessman doing business vs a businesswoman not doing business? Listen and find out!