Part 3 of Interview

Alastair Caithness, Ziyen Energy, CEO is interviewed by Zara Zamani, Block Architect & Head of Disruptive Technologies at Meta Bytes, on Sweden’s leading Blockchain Show, ChainTalk.

In this show Caithness explains how Ziyen Energy in collaboration with leading blockchain, data analysis, systems, tokenization, regulatory and trading specialists have developed the ZYEN Energy Asset Trading Platform.

Zara Zamani, ChainTalk host states,

“Whether it's just a buzzword, a hype or a real game changer, we all keep hearing the word, Blockchain on a daily basis. However, still the most frequent question asked is: What is blockchain? This indicates the need for public education on this technology.

Alastair Caithness adds,

“The ZYEN Energy Asset Trading Platform provides a means for tokenizing ownership interests in energy producing assets using permission-based blockchain technology, and thereby creating a liquid market for previously illiquid assets.

Users of the ZYEN platform will include investors in energy producing assets and operators raising capital to develop renewable and carbon-based energy projects.

The equity of Ziyen Energy (presently the largest owner of ZYEN, Inc.) has been tokenized and issued as ZiyenCoin. Upon activation of the ZYEN platform it is expected that ZiyenCoin will be tradeable to the same extent as other tokens issued by the ZYEN platform.”

For more information about Ziyen Energy please visit