Investigative writer Max Marshall chats with Trey Elling about AMONG THE BROS: A FRATERNITY CRIME STORY. Topics include:

Initially chasing this story (0:00)
The Xanax/benzo epidemic (3:10)
Introducing Mikey & Rob (7:26)
Mike & Rob sling Xanax (10:12)
Zach Kligman enters the picture (14:11)
Mikey & Waka Flocka (20:08)
The police get involved (24;37)
Rob flips on Mikey (28:21)
Talking to Mikey in prison (34:47)
Not getting to speak with Rob (38:17)
Zach Kligman's fascinating "innocence" (40:27)
What's next for Max (54:21)