Episode 101 of bookcareers.com In Episode 101 of bookcareers.com Live we visit Publishing’s Room 101. Originating from George Orwell’s book 1984, Room 101 is the torture chamber, the room where the worst things in the world are kept. Please visit Room 101 with us and discover what items from the publishing industry we have consigned […]

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Episode 101 of bookcareers.com

In Episode 101 of bookcareers.com Live we visit Publishing’s Room 101. Originating from George Orwell’s book 1984, Room 101 is the torture chamber, the room where the worst things in the world are kept.

Please visit Room 101 with us and discover what items from the publishing industry we have consigned there.  Do you agree with our selection? Are there other items you wish were in Room 101? Please let us know across social media – you’ll find us on all platforms @bookcareers or by using the hashtag #bookcareers

This episode mentions Anita Sethi‘s I Belong Here Foundation as well as Aki Schilz and the #BookJobTransparency campaign.

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The post Publishing’s Room 101 appeared first on Bookcareers.

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