Grab a hanky, pop on some waterproof mascara, and make sure you hydrate, because this month we're discussing Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman, and TEARS WILL BE SHED.

This is a beautifully written book about loneliness, kindness, friendship, and the healing power of cats that, spoilers, we LOVED. If you haven't read it yet, please do yourself a favour, then come back and listen to us talk about jerkins, the magic of Tesco, and which character Reese Witherspoon should play in her upcoming book-to-screen adaptation (plus other stuff).

PLUS find out which beloved Australian classic we'll be reading in March.


Tell us what you think about the book! Or the podcast! Or what alcoholic beverage you would name a cat after! We are @bookwhostalking on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, and Goodreads. And you can email us at [email protected].