Book Vs Movie (Replay)

“The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

The Washing Irving Short Story Classic  Vs the Tim Burton Movie

The Margos are back and talking about spooky books & movies since, duh--it’s October! This is our favorite month of the year and we have so much fun talking about one of our best-loved stories from our childhood-- The Legend of Sleepy Hollow written by the fascinating Washington Irving.  The only hard part about this episode was deciding which version of the movie we should cover (there are several!) In the end, we decided to stick with one of our favorite directors, Tim Burton and his reimaging of the tale-- Sleepy Hollow.  

We begin by looking at the incredible life of the author and how a yellow fever epidemic (prevalent in his childhood) made him familiar with the ghost stories of Hudson Valley, New York. Also, how the youngest of eleven children named for the first President of the United States took his lifelong love of writing and history to become America’s first famous “man of letters.”

(If you are a fan of New York City trivia and/or the origin of Christmas traditions--you will be especially happy with this ep!)

After that, we once again go into the film archives of Tim Burton and check out his unique take on not only the character of the historically smarmy, school teacher and not-handsome-at-all Ichabod Crane (played as a hot NYC police investigator by Johnny Depp) and the plot of the story which here centers around magic and spells.

So which did the Margos like better? Book or Movie? Check out the link below to find out!

In this ep the Margos discuss :

The NBC Halloween special which starred Jeff Goldblum and is unfortunately not available by streaming service. The 1949 Disney movie (The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad) that scared both Margos in our childhoods. The opportunity to choose from over 40 different versions of the audiobook. How the term Nickerbocker (“The Nicks,”) Gotham and the phrase “the almighty dollar” are all attributed to Washington Irving. The various interpretations of the short story and the meaning behind Ichabod’s disappearance. The incredible look of Tim Burton movies and the art direction by Rick Heinrichs and Peter Young who won the Academy Award in 2000. The main differences between the short story and movie. Plus, we are movie trivia and our thoughts on the casting including Christina Ricci, Christopher Walken, and Miranda Richardson.

Clips Featured:

Ichabod by Bing Crosby and Jud Conlon’s Rhythmaries (Ichabod 1949) Sleepy Hollow  trailer The story behind the Headless Horseman Outro Music: The Headless Horseman by Bing Crosby and Jud Conlon’s Rhythmaries (Ichabod 1949)

Book Vs. Movie podcast

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Margo D. @BrooklynFitChik [email protected]

Margo P. @ShesNachoMama