Book Vs Movie (Replay)

“I, Robot”

15th Anniversary Special (Movie)

Isaac Asimov Classic Short Stories Vs Will Smith Blockbuster

For this episode of the Book Vs. Movie podcast the Margos go back to the world of science fiction with this ep talking about the extraordinary life of Isaac Asimov and his most famous work (out of hundreds of books, essays, letters, etc.) I, Robot.  Specifically, we compare the introduction of the book and the short story Little Lost Robot with the Will Smith 2004 film.

The research we did for this show was so much fun as Asimov is simply one of the most fascinating people from the 20th century. Big shout outs to Amazon for having his interviews available for sale with the Bill Moyers show and the series “Prophets of Science Fiction.”

So how does the movie compare to the source material? We discuss and decide in this ep (the hyperlink is at the end of the post) and choose our preferred at the conclusion of our show.

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In this episode we discuss:

The incredible life of the author. Will Smith’s incredible charisma. How the character of Dr. Susan Calvin is presented in the books versus the movie. The amazing performance by Alan Tudyk as Sonny. If the special effects hold up or no. 

Clips used:

Bill Moyers “A World of Ideas Writers” with Isaac Asimov (1990)

I, Robot Trailer

I, Robot Scene with Will Smith

Outro Music:

“Gettin’ Jiggy With It” by Will Smith

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Margo D. @BrooklynFitChik [email protected]

Margo P. @ShesNachoMama