Book Vs Movie (Replay)

“Die Hard”

Yes, it was a novel based on the sequel to a 1968 Frank Sinatra movie first

But, is it a Christmas movie?


It’s hard to believe but the classic action film Die Hard was released 30 years ago and the Margos wrapping firehoses around our waists and jumping for joy.  

In case this is big news for you, yes--Die Hard the 1988 movie is actually based on a book published in 1979 called Nothing Lasts Forever by Roderick Thorpe. That novel (which is a pretty nifty thriller by the way) was a sequel to his 1968 book adapted into a film--The Detective which stars none other than Frank Sinatra. In it, Frank plays a hard-boiled detective named Joseph Leland who is middle-aged, world-weary and getting tired of the politics of being a cop in the late 60s New York City.

Nothing Lasts Forever sees Leland as retired, older, and visiting Los Angeles to celebrate the Christmas holiday season with his daughter Stephanie who works for the Klaxon Oil Corporation. Stephanie (who is a mother of two and in the middle of a divorce) is involved with a sleazy boss, using cocaine and her building is being taken over by German terrorists during their office Christmas party. Can our hero save the day?

So how does Die Hard the movie compare with the book it based on and is it true that the offer for the lead (now named John McClane) was first offered to Sinatra? Did Hollywood seriously freak out over Bruce Willis’ $5 million payday for the role? And finally, is this a Christmas movie or not?

In this show, we discuss the differences between book and movie, and there are several to dive into here. Which version did the Margos like better? Check out the link below to find out!

In this ep the Margos discuss :

The story behind the 1968 movie The Detective and how the lead character is portrayed in the book that is filled with 70s cynicism and a frankly depressing ending (spoiler) How Die Hard came to be and the impact it made on how movies are marketed The brilliant supporting characters (with beefed-up roles due to Willis’ filming of TV’s Moonlighting at the same time) The sheer awesomeness that is Alan Rickman (Hans Gruber) in his American film debut The casting of the movie including Bonnie Bedelia (Holly Gennaro McClane,) Reginald VelJohnson (Sgt. Al Powell, ) Paul Gleason (Deputy Police Chief Dwayne T. Robinson,) William Atherton (Richard Thornburg,) Hart Bochner (Harry Ellis,) and Alexander Godunov (Karl)

Clips used:

Die Hard trailer Hans “meets” John for the first time aka the “Yippie Kie-Yay!” scene Hans gets Karl’s brother’s body delivered John is fooled by Hans’ fake American accent John meets Al (finally) and Al shoots Karl Outro Music: Christmas in Hollis by Run DMC

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Margo D. @BrooklynFitChik [email protected]

Margo P. @ShesNachoMama