Book Vs Movie 

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

A return to Truman Capote & the classic film he detested 

Get out that LBD (Little Black Dress) and croissant because we are going to visit Tiffany’s at dawn. The Margos reach back to an old episode and replace it with a brand new redo with Breakfast at Tiffany’s. 

Published in 1958 as a novella by Truman Capote--the story centers around 19-year-old party girl Holly Golightly who makes her living by accepting $50 tips at the bathroom (that is roughly $750 in today’s dollars!) of the Upper East Side nightspots. Holly and her neighbor (who is unnamed in the novella) have an unusual friendship, to say the least. Their adventures together and her ultimate hold on the people who love her makes for an intriguing tale. But how close is it to the movie? 

Turns out the movie directed by Blake Edwards and written by George Axelrod is a big departure from the original material. They move the timeline to 1961 from the post World War 2 years and adds an alluring Patricia Neal and an irritating Mickey Rooney. There are so many differences that in this episode that it is basically jam-packed with trivia and behind the scenes gossip.  

So between the novel and the movie--which did we like better? Click the link at the bottom to find out. 

In this ep the Margos discuss:

Truman Capote’s life and literary career The cast including Audrey Hepburn (Holly Golightly,) George Peppard (Paul Vorjak,) Patricia Neal (2E Failenson,) Buddy Ebsen (Doc Golightly,) Martin Balsam ( O.J. Berman,) John McGiver (Tiffany’s salesman,) and Alan Reed (Sally Tomato.)  The biggest differences between the book and the movie.  How adorable George Peppard was in this film (swoon!) The sheer racist and awfulness of Mickey Rooney (Mr. Yonioshi) Our favorite scenes from the movie. 

Clips Featured:

Breakfast at Tiffany’s trailer Holly & Paul meet for the first time Paul & Holly visit Tiffany’s  Paul tells Holly they “belong together” Outro music Moon River by Audrey Hepburn

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Margo D. @BrooklynFitChik [email protected]

Margo P. @ShesNachoMama

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