It’s time to play the music; it’s time to light the lights. It’s time to get things started on the Book of the Mouse Club tonight! In anticipation of The Muppet Show’s release to Disney+, hosts Courtney and Emily interview New York Times bestselling author, Brian Jay Jones, about “Jim Henson: The Biography” (along with a dabbling of “George Lucas: A Life). Today, the world knows of the Muppets and the magic of puppetry, but Kermit the Frog and Sesame Street didn’t come out of thin air. They were born of Jim Henson’s creativity and work ethic. From the early days of Sam and Friends, to Sesame Street, The Muppet Show, The Dark Crystal, and Labyrinth, Jim Henson’s passion for puppetry created a new medium for storytelling that today is accepted as the same gold standard as any Walt Disney creation. 

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Official Twitter and Instagram: @BookoftheMouse

Courtney: Instagram @greatguthsby and Twitter @Courtney_Guth

Emily: Instagram and Twitter @emily_mickde 

Brian Jay Jones: Twitter and Instagram @brianjayjones


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