This week, Jesse and Sidney dive deep into the strategy of positioning your team in Storybook Brawl. We cover different character sizes and abilities, explaining which "slots" different types of characters work best in. We then go in-depth on specific characters (and treasures!) that present positioning challenges such as Princess Peep, Copycat, and Riverwish Mermaid. Finally, we discuss the subtle changes you can make to your board to play around opponents' effects like Baby Dragon and Fireball.

One "rules" note that we didn't mention in the episode is that Copycat's last breath effects trigger from left to right. So if you have a buffing effect (like Friendly Spirit) and a character that benefits from the buffs (such as Wretched Mummy), make sure to put the character that benefits from the buffs on the right side!

To learn more about some of the "rules" we mentioned on the show, the Storybook Brawl Interactions wiki is a good resource.

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