Julia and Victoria enter a dream state to talk about Beloved by Toni Morrison and its place within both the horror genre and American history.

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Mentioned in the Episode:

- American Horror Story, TV Series

- National Women’s History Museum

- St Anthony

- The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

- Sula by Toni Morrison

- Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison

- True story of Margaret Garner

- Charlotte Brontë

- Get Out film, directed by Jordan Peele

- Rosemary’s Baby film, directed by Roman Polanski

- Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf

- Outlander, TV series

- Beloved film directed by Jonathan Demme

- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks film, directed by George C. Wolfe




- Atlanta, TV Series

- Tar Baby by Toni Morrison

- Jazz by Toni Morrison

- Paradise by Toni Morrison

- Friday Black by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah

- Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado

Currently Obsessed:

- American Boyfriend, album by Kevin Abstract

- Atypical season 3

- Olympics story of male high jumpers sharing gold

- Hotel TV, album by Lawrence

- Anna Locke moon circles