This week we’re reading This Is Your Brain on Birth Control by Sarah E. Hill PhD. We are joined by the only person legally allowed to be in our home during this time of shelter in place: our dear roommate Natasha. We are so excited to discuss this book together and share our stories of self-discovery as we learn how to trust our experiences and make informed decisions about our own bodies. Highly recommend this book to anyone who knows anyone who takes birth control… so, everyone!

Random tidbits mentioned in this episode:

Fish with three genders: the plainfin midshipman

Crash Course: Anatomy & Physiology - Reproductive System - YouTube series by Hank & John Green

Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn


Explained docu-series on Netflix by Vox

The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter & How to Make the Most of Them Now by Meg Jay, PhD

Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcom Gladwell