Our multi-talented graphic designer, Gaby Febland, joins us for a delightful discussion on the meaning of art, book-to-film adaptation, and unreliable narrators in The Goldfinch. Watch the movie first, try to make a dent in this 900+ page novel, give up a few times, then join us for some quality banter about one of the most popular books of the last two years.

Random tidbits mentioned in this episode:

Hamilton (soundtrack)

Frida Kahlo - Viva la Vida, Watermelons

Winged Victory of Samothrace

Augustus V. Tack - Golden Rhythms

The story of The Goldfinch by Fabritius

Find our guest Gaby FeBland online:


Friends of the Bog

South Side Weekly

Luna at Filament Theatre

Recommended Reading:

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling

Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh

Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders

Atonement by Ian McEwan