Santa Rita has seen an influx of superheroes the last few years, and many of them follow the powers of their contemporaries in Halcyon. But what about the heroes who don't have extraordinary abilities? Heroes who have skill, training, and a dash of luck, catching the things that slip through the cracks? Three such heroes join forces on a rainy night to take down a weapons dealer, and it leads to something more...

This session is played using Cape & Cowl, a system of Colin's own design and being play tested for the first time here on Boogieman Buddies.

Music Credits:

Roll Call: World's Worst Translator - WaterTower Music

The Lead-up: A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 1 - WaterTower Music

Montage Combat: Highway to the Anger Zone - WaterTower Music

Fall In: Penguin of Guilt - WaterTower Music

The Chase is On: An Im-purr-fect Murder - WaterTower Music

Detailed Combat: A Bat in the Rafters, Pt. 2 - WaterTower Music

Investigation: Meow and You and Everyone We Know - WaterTower Music

Den of Evil: Hoarding School - WaterTower Music

Streetsweepers: The Batman - WaterTower Music

Outro: All's Well That Ends Farewell - WaterTower Music