No Leff this week but who needs'em? (We still want him here though). This week we ignorantly talk about Pokemon Go as if we've played it. At this point we have, not that helps too much. What else?
We talk a bit about Majora's Mask, the Nintendo Mini, and just who exactly owns Pokemon? We take Shelby through the list of games that are coming on the Nintendo Mini and see what s he's played! And this weeks topic we have a random discussion on game genres! And of course.. more reading from the Nintendo Adventure series!
Oh, and we very briefly talk about Life is Strange!

All of the awesome music and SFX can be found at the following:

Chibi Ninja and We're all under the stars (Erik Skiff)…ibi_ninja…flu…eflux_-_catnip

And some Mario 3 music!
